Transition From Leader To Global Leader With Cupela
Coaching for the Transition from Leader to Global Leader
Entering the global stage is a big paradigm shift, even for experienced leaders. Once there, the global leader needs to hone their executive presence and stay up to date on all developments in the area of leadership. Communication and leadership skills can always be improved, creating rapport with people at all levels of the organization is an ongoing challenge and consistently building and maintaining an international business network remains key.
Strategically advance your career with Cupela Global Leadership Development
Cupela Global Leadership Development will help you figure out the right moves to reach your goals.
Mindset Change Through Leadership Development
From thinking on a national level to thinking on a global level; from being in charge of one branch to being on the leadership team of a global matrix organization; from affecting the lives of a few hundred people to affecting the lives of thousands.
Every step up the career ladder requires a mindset change. Opening the mind further, understanding more about the patterns we fall into, making more conscious choices about the way we communicate and lead. All these are important mindset changes – but they are only effective if we follow them up with behavioral changes.
Everything Starts with a Plan
We understand that everything starts with a plan. If we want to reach a goal in life, we have to first set the GPS coordinates, so to speak. We have to be very clear about our destination to find the quickest and most direct route from where we are to where we want to be. To optimally design your career, you need a plan. And to optimally benefit you, we need to create a plan together with you to outline the leadership development process from beginning to end.
Plan to succeed – in your career and in your leadership development.
Key mindset & skill transitions through Executive Coaching
by Cupela, the leading Business Coach in India
Cupela Leadership Development inspires key mindset & skill transitions, such as:
Expand Focus: Shift focus from just your team’s performance to what would benefit your company as a whole – tackle and solve complex organizational problems.
Tactical to Strategic: Transcend from just implementing an organizational strategy to being perspicacious by looking at the larger picture while maintaining the ability to deal with the fine points.
Internal to External: From an inward and downward focus to the peripheral and upward focus. Engage your key stakeholders and customers.
Command to Influence: Transition from managing to leading by transforming circles of power to circles of influence. Inspire and motivate others towards a shared goal.
Arrange to Structure: Finally, the transition from just the alignment of roles and responsibilities to corporate thinking, encompassing systems, structure, models and design.