Successful Coaching
Our Executive Coaching Approach
Cupela, your leading Executive Coach in India helps not only aspiring leaders, but also well-established Executives to define their direction through a series of powerful and purposeful conversations. It is important to define the chosen direction based on the leader’s personal values and their true unrealized potential. Both values and potential are revealed further through the use of powerful coaching tools as part of the overall coaching process.
Executive Coaching
Coaching by the leading Executive Coach in India as a means to help a corporations leaders to develop their full potential, improve their executive skills and abilities is a fairly recent occurrence. However, it has quickly become recognized as an important tool to empower high potential leaders as well as existing Executives, already in the C-Suite.
In the 1970’s one rarely talked about Coaching for Executives, although it is likely that the practice occurred in private, yet due to the lack of highly qualified coaches with questionable results.
In the 1990’s Executive Coaching started to receive more attention and was frequently used as a last resort correctional tool for Executives who had behavioral issues or those who over time developed personalities which threatened the dynamics or culture of an organization.
Only since the beginning of the twenty-first century, the full potential of Executive Coaching was recognized. That was the moment, Executive Coaching started being used as a developmental rather than a correctional tool. High-potential Employees, as well as Executives transitioning into new roles taking on additional responsibilities, or for those in need of exercising additional influence within the organization were given Executive Coaching with outstanding results mirrored in the corporations success. In our global, ever more rapidly changing business environment it is expected that Executive Coaching will be needed for many managers as they navigate their path to the C-Suite and for Executives already within the C-Suite for improved performance, job satisfaction and motivation.
A study by Stanford Leadership Development & Research and the Miles Group found that Nearly Two-Thirds of CEOs Do Not Receive Outside Leadership Advice – But Nearly All Want It.
Executive Coaching helps a corporations leaders to develop their full potential
Coaching by the leading Executive Coach in India will improve
the personal and professional growth of Managers and Executives
Elements of a Successful Executive Coaching Relationship
The ultimate purpose of engaging an Executive Coach is to assist in improving the personal and professional growth of managers and executives. The coaching process will positively influence their leadership abilities, which in turn will have equally positive effects on subordinates.
It is important when entering into an Executive Coaching relationship that the manager or executive is prepared for the investment (both financially and emotionally) just as in any other venture.
Therefore, Managers and Executives should think of 4 important factors which will determine the success of the coaching:
The Executive Coach – make sure to retain the right coach
The Manager or Executive – must be ready and willing to undergo coaching
The Relationship – there should be a chemistry between coach and the person being coached
Organizational Support – access, time and coaching location must be made available
The Manager or Executive
It is important when entering into a coaching relationship that the Manager or Executive is committed to the process of being coached. He or She should “have a deep desire to learn” as stated in the Harvard Business Review Research Report, in order to be open to the feedback given by the assessment methodology.
Finally, the manager or executive being coached needs to be open to solve problems and conquer challenges in new ways. Engaging an Executive Coach is usually in preparation for the Executive’s transition to a more senior position within the Corporation, to successfully solve new challenges created by growth, or simply to be more effective and motivated in a current position. Whichever the reason may be, it is important that the client is open to considering a wide variety of perspectives.
Selection of the Executive Coach
The Executive Coach - selecting the right Coach
Selection - The Executive Coach should be selected based on his or her ability to identify an effective approach for coaching. A Harvard Business Report recommends that if a coach is unable to identify the methodology he or she will use, organizations should continue looking until they find a coach that can.
Methodology - The methodology could be through 360° feedback or psychological assessment or other reputable methods. However, the coach should be able to easily respond to this question.
Trustworthiness – for a successful outcome of the coaching process it is very important that the executive coach is trustworthy. The coach and the manager or executive will most likely share intimate aspects of the coachee’s professional as well as his/her personal life during coaching. By reputation and past record, it is imperative that the coach is known to keep the appropriate confidences.
Commitment - Equally important is the ability of the coach to demonstrate commitment to the person being coached. This will be reflected in the coachee’s enthusiasm and commitment to the coaching process.
Communication - The coach needs to communicate effectively with the coachee during the coaching process inspiring him/her to perform at their peak while overcoming barriers to their success.
The Relationship between the Coach & the person being coached
One of the main factors and a fundamental part of Cupela’s initial determination before accepting a coaching contract is to determine the compatibility of the coach and person to be coached. The success of Executive Coaching is based on the relationship that develops between the coach and the coached person during the coaching process.
Cupela’s coaching process begins with ensuring that the selected coach (either by the client or the client’s organization) is a good match with the manager or executive to be coached. Based on a Harvard Business Review Research Report it is very important to ensure that an open, honest, and authentic relationship develops between the coach and the coached person. This will allow the coached person to successfully learn and reach his/her performance peak.
The relationship between the Coach and the Cochee
Organizational Support for the Coaching process
Organizational Support
It is important that the employer of the manager or executive supports the Executive Coaching experience and relationship.
In addition to financial support, companies may need to provide access to staff within the organization that can respond to the 360 degree assessment, which usually forms the basis of the coaching relationship. The culture of the organization should support the recommendations of the coach, thus allowing the manager or executive to prepare, learn, and reach his/her performance peak.